How to Fill Out a Money Order (A Step-By-Step Guide)

Learn how to fill out a money order with this step-by-step guide. Follow our tips for accurate completion and avoid common mistakes.
Ketcha Brandon
Fill Out a Money Order

Money orders are actually an amazing way to get money where it has to go quickly - but the front has a lot of blanks and be often confusing especially for individuals that are still new with using Money orders. What information do you need to fill out and where do you sign?

In order to find out precisely how to fill out a money order in such a way that the recipient will encounter no issues getting the money you sent then continue reading this article.

Table of Contents

What is a Money Order?

A money order in short, is a prepaid financial instrument, similar to a check, that lets you transfer a specific amount of money to a recipient. It is mostly used when other forms of payments ( such as personal checks or cash) are not accepted or are deemed not be secured.

You are able to purchase money orders from several locations like banks, post offices, credit unions, convenience stores and retailers like Walmart.

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Step-by-Step Guide to Filling Out a Money Order

Here is a straight forward guide that will help you fill out a Money order properly without any hassle:

1. Check Out That the Money Order Amount is Correct

The first thing you need to do with a money order is to confirm the issuer did not make any mistake on the money order. When you purchase your money order, the issuer prints the amount in numbers and written out in words on the front, just like they would be on a personal check. In case the amount was not printed correctly, then you should immediately point it out to the clerk who issued it so that they can print a new one.

2. Print the Name Of The Recipient On The "Pay to" Line

Use an ink and write out the full name of the individual or business clearly and readable. If you are sending the payment to a business, check their website or call their customer service number if you are not sure how to word this.

In case you are sending the money order to an individual, then you should ensure that the name on the money order matches the name on their ID - as they will have to show up the ID before they can cash out successfully. If you are not sure of any information, you better call them for some clarifications.

3. Provide The Recipient's Address If There Is Space For It

Featuring the recipient's address on the money order helps verify their identity though it is optional so if you do not know what address to use, it is better you leave an empty space rather than putting a wrong address. If you fill a wrong address, the recipient might run into issues cashing or depositing the money order if they cannot verify address.

If the money order if for a bill payment, then it is good you make use of the address you would normally use to mail a bill payment. Most often, you will find this on your billing statement or by calling customer service.

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4. Put Your Information In The "Purchaser" Section

You need to print your full name and address clearly on this section. This section actually helps the recipient identify who is sending the money order while also identifying you as the purchaser of the Money order. Make use of your current name and address as it appears on your ID.

Even if you are paying a bill for an account in a different name, you still need to include your legal name as the purchaser. If not, you might have issues obtaining a replacement if the money order is lost or stolen.

5. Include an Account Number If Paying a Bill

Though this is not strictly required, but it is still good to include it since some businesses you are paying might require it. Even if they do not, it helps you ensure that the payment can be credited properly. Most often, you will find the memo line beneath the boxes for the recipient's name and address.

If you are not sure on any information that should be included in your payment, then it is good you first check with the company you are paying.

If you are purchasing an item, then include an order number (if you have one) or a description of the goods or services you are purchasing. This allows the recipients to know the reason why you are sending the money.

If the account is in someone else's name, then you should include their name (or at least their last name) on the blank with the account number if there is any room.

6. Add a Description On The Memo Line If you Want

If the reason of your money order is not a bill payment, then you can tell the recipient what the money if for. I will advise you this space blank if you do not know what to write or cannot summarize the purpose for the money in juts a few words. Including the reason is nice idea especially if the recipient was not expecting it.

Like for example, if you are sending money to a friend for their graduation, you can write "Graduation Congratulations" On your Memo line.

7. Sign Your Name On The Front of the Money Order

signing here means endorsing the front of a money order just as you would for a personal check. By doing this, you simply make everything official. Never sign the back of the money order since that is where the recipient signs it when they present the money order for cash deposit.

Keep your receipt properly since this gives you a record of your payment and also lets you track your money order and make sure it got where it was supposed to.

Do I Have to Enter my Address When I am the Purchaser/Sending a Money Order?

As the individual purchasing the check, there is actually no legal requirement that your address be included on the order. Nevertheless, it is good you keep in mind that failing to do so might definitely complicate the process of refunding the order if you decide not to use it or it got lost.

Closing Remark On How to Fill Out a Money Order

Filling Out a Money order is actually a simple and straight forward process, but you need to be careful here since attention to detail is key. By following the steps above and ensuring all information is accurate, you can avoid potential issues and ensure your payment reaches its intended recipient securely.

Whether you are new to using money orders or just need a refresher, this guide got you covered.

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About the Author

Ketcha Brandon
I am Ketcha Brandon, An article writer, content creator, Video producer, Financial Consultant and a certified Google Publisher. I write content for Our website provide information on topics such as bank accounts, Money transfers,…

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