How to Redeem An Amazon Gift Card: A Step-By-Step Guide

This comprehensive guide provides all the information you need to know about redeeming an amazon gift card.
Ketcha Brandon
Redeem An Amazon Gift Card

Are you set to turn your Amazon gift cards into physical cash? well just keep in mind that you are in the right place as we are about to outline steps involved on how to redeem Amazon gift cards like an expert.

Regardless of whether you are in search of a smooth bank transfer or want to transfer it on the app, we got you covered really easy steps.

In this article, you will see what it takes to maximize the value of your Amazon gift cards, while also exploring the ins and out of converting these digital assets into cash. So, buckle up and get set for a thrilling journey into making the most of your Amazon gift cards.

In this guide, we will help you properly tackle the issue of redeeming your Amazon gift cards easily. So ley us get started.

Table of Contents

What is an Amazon Gift Card?

An Amazon gift card is a form of prepaid stored-value money card that contains a specific amount of money available for use on These gift cards are typically purchased by individuals as presents for others or as convenient ways to allocate funds for personal use on the Amazon platform.

Essentially, it serves as a form of digital currency that allows recipients to make purchases from a vast array of products and services on Amazon's website. Amazon gift cards can be redeemed for various items including books, electronics, clothing, household goods, and many other products available on the Amazon platform.

When purchasing an Amazon gift card, the buyer loads a specific monetary value onto the card, and the recipient can use the stored balance to make purchases.

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How to Redeem An Amazon Gift Card

Redeeming an Amazon gift card is a simple process, and you can do it either online or during checkout. Here's how:

Redeeming Online:

  1. Find your claim code: This is the 15-digit alphanumeric code located on the back of your physical gift card, or within the email/notification for an electronic gift card.
  2. Go to the "Redeem a Gift Card" page: You can find it at
  3. Sign in to your Amazon account: If you haven't already, sign in or create an account.
  4. Enter your claim code: Carefully type or paste your claim code in the designated field.
  5. Click "Apply to Your Balance": This will add the gift card amount to your Amazon account balance.

Redeeming During Checkout:

  1. Add items to your cart: Browse and select the items you want to purchase.
  2. Proceed to checkout: Click on the "Proceed to Checkout" button.
  3. Enter your shipping and payment information: Choose your preferred shipping address and payment method (unless you want to use the gift card).
  4. Click on "Gift cards & promotional codes": This field is located on the review your order page.
  5. Enter your claim code: Type or paste your claim code in the provided field.
  6. Click "Apply": This will deduct the gift card amount from your order total.

By following these steps, you can successfully redeem an Amazon gift card and utilize the added balance for purchases on Amazon.

Things To Consider When Redeeming An Amazon Gift Card

  • You can view your gift card balance and transaction history anytime by visiting the "Your Account" section and selecting "Gift Cards & Payment Methods."
  • If you have any trouble redeeming your gift card, you can contact Amazon customer service for assistance.
  • You can redeem multiple gift cards at once by entering each claim code separately.
  • If your order total is more than your gift card balance, you can choose to pay the remaining amount with another payment method.

Final Thoughts: How to Redeem An Amazon Gift Card

Once the gift card has been redeemed and added to your Amazon account, the funds can be used to make purchases on During the checkout process, select the option to use your Amazon Balance as the payment method for your purchases.

For the most current and detailed information about redeeming Amazon gift cards, including any specific updates or additional features, it's recommended to refer to the official Amazon website or contact Amazon customer support for direct assistance.

This will ensure that you have the most accurate and precise guidance regarding redeeming your Amazon gift card.

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About the Author

Ketcha Brandon
I am Ketcha Brandon, An article writer, content creator, Video producer, Financial Consultant and a certified Google Publisher. I write content for Our website provide information on topics such as bank accounts, Money transfers,…

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