5 Ways to Load Your Walmart Money Card

Want to load money onto your Walmart MoneyCard? then read this article and discover what it takes to do so in a convenient manner.
Ketcha Brandon
Load Your Walmart Money Card

The Walmart MoneyCard is a debit card that requires no bank account to credit check and therefore avoids overdraft fees.

Want to load money onto your Walmart MoneyCard? then read this article and discover what it takes to do so in a convenient manner.

The Walmart MoneyCard is actually one of the several prepaid debit card options that have come on the market over the last many years for those who are unable to unwilling to get traditional bank accounts. This card is available in either Visa or MasterCard versions, the card can be used at Walmart and any retailer that accepts Visa or MasterCard.

You can still make use of the Walmart Money Card even if you have no bank account since funding the Walmart card can be done via direct deposit.

The Walmart MoneyCard can be loaded at registers, at Walmart MoneyCenters, or with your Internal Revenue Service (IRS) tax refund.

Table of Contents

What is the Walmart MoneyCard?

Walmart gift card is actually the official gift card of Walmart retail chain, the Walmart gift cards is incredible well-liked throughout the global e-commerce industry.

As a Walmart customer, you can use the funds on the gift card to make any purchases both in-person and online at Sam's Club, Walmart, and some Murphy USA Fuel Stations.

Most of the features on your card are similar to those on a checking account. You are able to receive payments up to 2 days early by using your card for direct deposit.

You are able to track activity on your prepaid card by downloading the Walmart MoneyCard app to an Apple or Android smartphone.

ALSO READ: Can Someone Else Put Money On My Walmart Money Card?

Can I Reload My Walmart Money Card?

Yes, you can reload your Walmart MoneyCard in 4 various ways which include; Via direct deposit, Walmart Rapid Reload, Online Transfer, and Tax Refund. Keep reading as I will give more details about this subsequently.

How to Load Money On The Walmart Money Card

As earlier said above, Money can be added to Walmart MoneyCard through direct deposit, Walmart store Reload, online transfer or tax refund deposit.

1. Direct Deposit

Payroll checks or your government benefits can be loaded directly onto your MoneyCard via direct deposit. This service is actually free and you can choose to deposit either part or all of your pay check.

Employers may notify the bank of direct deposits up to two days before the official "payday", and Walmart will then transfer money to the card early.

2. Walmart Rapid Reload

With this option, you can add money to your card at Walmart locations for a fee of $3. Cash deposits are free using the Walmart MoneyCard app at Walmart stores.

To load your Walmart MoneyCard through this method, you can deposit cash by touching the deposit tab in the Walmart MoneyCard app and then selecting "Deposit cash using the Walmart MoneyCard App".

3. Tax Refund

Provided that you file your taxes electronically, you can choose to have your refund directly deposited onto your Walmart MoneyCard. There is no reloading fees involved.

All you have to do is to give Walmart your card information and mobile number, and then they will text you the direct deposit information you need to include in your tax forms.

It is necessary you note that, using this process, the Standard Internal Service (IRS) processing period applies but you can get the refund sooner if you file electronically instead of by email.

What I love the most with this method is the fact that there is no reloading fees involved.

4. Online Transfer

With an online transfer, you will typically need to wait for one to three business days and there is no reloading fees involved. Though there is no reloading fees involved, your bank may charge fees for the electronic transfer so it is necessary to know your bank's policies before undertaking the transfer so as to avoid any extra fees you did not expect.

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Benefits of the Walmart MoneyCard

Most of the features that you find on all visa and Mastercard debit cards, such as fraud protection, are available with the MoneyCard.

More to that, there is a free online bill paying service.

You can choose to make recurring payments for bills like your auto insurance by setting up recurring money recurring money orders, paper checks or both.

Also, with the Walmart Money Card, you can send money to friends and family members anywhere in the United States.

Further more, you can obtain cash back rewards by making purchases at Walmart retail locations (1% Cash back), Walmart fuel stations (2% cash back), and through the Walmart app (3% Cash back).

It is necessary you have in mind that the annual cap on cash back rewards is $75.

Walmart MoneyCard Fees

It is of no doubt that most banking accounts comes with fees and so the Walmart MoneyCard is no different. How much does it cost to get the Walmart Money Card? well, the Walmart money card only cost $1 but there are several other fees you may incur when making use of the card.

Monthly Fee: Walmart charges a monthly account maintenance fee of $5.94 on all Walmart MoneyCard accounts.

Card Replacement: If you want to replace your lost or stolen card, you will need to pay $3 but you will have to pay $15 in case you want expedited delivery.

Load Fees: In order to load your card at Walmart locations, you will have to pay $3 but you can avoid this fee by simply using the Walmart App. In case you use a store other than Walmart, you will have to pay $5.95.

Paper Checks: You are able to request a pack of 12 paper checks for $5.95.

ATM and teller cash withdrawals: You’ll pay $2.50 to get cash. You can avoid this fee by getting cash back at Walmart locations.

Overdraft fee: You’ll pay a $15 fee if you overdraft your account.

ATM balance inquiry: Walmart charges 50 cents to tell you what your balance is at an ATM.

Foreign transaction fee: Walmart charges a 3% fee for all transactions with merchants outside of the U.S.

ALSO READ: Walmart Money Card Transfer Money From One Card To Another

How to Get a Walmart MoneyCard

Getting a Walmart Money Card is no big deal. You can simply order one online via the Walmart MoneyCard website, and your card will get to you in two weeks. In order to avoid waiting for the mail, you can purchase a card directly at aby Walmart store.

However, it is good you know that you must be at least 18 years of age and have to deposit money to your card before you can begin using it. Opening the account will demand you a valid Social Security Number, and the mobile app required in order to be able to access all accounts features.

What is the Account Balance Limit on a Walmart MoneyCard?

The maximum balance for a Walmart MoneyCard is set at $7,500. Most competitor's have a maximum balance of $3,000.

Can Someone Else Put Money on My Walmart MoneyCard?

Load Your Walmart Money Card

Yes! someone else can put money on your Walmart MoneyCard.

In case you do not enough funds to put on your Walmart MoneyCard, asking someone else to put money on your Walmart MoneyCard might be a great way out for you.

Or, you can add a secondary account holder for your Walmart MoneyCard account and order a new card for this user. The funds that will add to the Walmart MoneyCard account will be available for your own Walmart MoneyCard which is the primary card.

Does a Walmart MoneyCard Have Overdraft Protection?

Yes Walmart MoneyCard have Overdraft Protection if you go in for it. The amount of overdraft coverage is dependent on the deposits you receive. You obtain a $10 of overdraft coverage is you receive a single direct deposit of any amount in your account.

 You get $100 of overdraft coverage if you receive at least two direct deposits summing up to $200+ within a 35-day period.

You get $200 of overdraft coverage if you receive at least two direct deposits summing up to $400+ within a 35-day period of time.

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Final Thoughts on How to Reload Your Walmart Money Card

The Walmart MoneyCard comes with a number of free services and other benefits, especially for frequent Walmart shoppers. It also offers a convenient number of ways to load money onto the card.

Want to load money onto your Walmart MoneyCard? Above in this guide, I have detailly explained the various ways through which you can reload your Walmart Money Card so it is left over to you to choose the method that suits you best.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much can you deposit on a Walmart MoneyCard?

The maximum amount you can deposit on a Walmart MoneyCard is set at $3,000 but there is a maximum amount which you are allowed to load in store.

How Can Someone Send Money to My Walmart MoneyCard?

For someone else to send money to your Walmart MoneyCard, you will need to provide them with your Walmart MoneyCard payment details, which they will intend use to send you money.

Can You Put Money on a Walmart Money Card Without going to Walmart?

Yes, you can put money on a Walmart MoneyCard without having to visit a Walmart location. You are able to add money to your Walmart via direct deposit, tax refunds, and even via online transfers.

Can I send money from one Walmart to another?

Yes you can easily transfer Money from One Walmart Money Card to Another.

Can anyone get a Walmart MoneyCard?

No, You must be 18 years or older to purchase a Walmart MoneyCard. Activation requires online access and identity verification (including SSN) to open an account.

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About the Author

Ketcha Brandon
I am Ketcha Brandon, An article writer, content creator, Video producer, Financial Consultant and a certified Google Publisher. I write content for Cashytransfer.com. Our website provide information on topics such as bank accounts, Money transfers,…

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