3 Proven Steps to Transfer Google Play Balance To Bank Account

Transferring Google Play balance to bank is quite challenging. So here is a guide that shows you how to transfer Google Play Balance to Bank Account.
Ketcha Brandon
Transfer Google Play Balance To Bank Account

In case you are having Google Play Credit and want to easily be in control of the funds, then the idea of transferring can be suitable for you due to the fact that once in your bank account, you will be able to withdraw the funds, send it to friends and relatives or better still make use of it in order to buy good and services.

Google Play formerly known as Android Market, is a digital distribution service which is operated and developed by Google. Since it has billions of apps, Android users find any app available for their OS devices.

I am sure many people do not know that Google Play has an integrated wallet known as Google Play balance even though it is only made available to some specific countries around the globe.

Just like several  other financial institutions, with Google Play balance, you are able to purchase premium subscriptions for apps (in-app purchases), music, books and movies that are found on Google Play. So in a nut shell, a Google Play balance can only be used to purchase items found on Google Play.

Several individuals reload their Google Play balance in order to purchase items on Google Play while others instead earn rewards which they redeem into Google Play Credits.

You can top off your Google Play balance using gift cards. Gift cards and Google Play balance are not accepted as a form of payment by every retailer, though. How to get free Google Play gift cards is provided here.

By completing surveys on the Google Opinion Rewards app, many people can get free Google Play credit. Users employ a variety of strategies to obtain limitless surveys through Google Opinion Rewards in order to increase earnings.

As soon as some people get paid in Google play balance, they might often desire to use the money to carryout wider purchases- which implies purchases that do not involve Google Play items.

And so in order to make this possible, transferring Google Play Credit to bank account is an option due to the fact that once the funds as in your bank account, you can decide to withdraw them at any close ATM or make use of the money to purchase items off the Google network.

In order to transfer Google Play balance to bank account, users will have to accumulate Google Play Credits, link their bank accounts to their Google Play wallets and then transfer the money to their bank accounts. There also exist another method that involves users making use of some third party apps even though this method will imply some charges.

Now, I will let you know all the available ways that one can use to transfer Google Play balance to bank account.

Table of Contents

What is Google Play Credit?

These are funds in your Google Play balance which you can use to purchase apps, games, and other digital goods from the Google Play store.

Use free Google Play gift cards to top up your Google Play balance. However, the majority of them will ask you to complete surveys in order to get free gift cards. You can still get free gift cards online without completing surveys, though.

Can I Transfer Google Play Balance to Bank Account?

Yes, there are several methods that allows you to transfer Google Play balance to bank account but it is necessary you note that the process of transferring money from Google Play balance to bank account can be quite challenging.

As second option, you can make use of third party apps to complete the transfer just in case the direct method does not work for you.

How Can I Transfer Google Play Balance to Bank Account

You are able to transfer Google Play balance to Bank account by just applying some few simple steps as I will show you below in this article so stay glued and discover the steps that you need to follow in order to make a successful transfer.

Step 1: Accumulate Google Play Credits

It is of no doubt that bank transfers in general can sometimes be costly and so for this reason, having enough funds is important for every wire transfer to be successful. It is necessary that you have a reasonable amount of Google Play Credits so that you can transfer them to a bank account without any problem.

In this situation, you ought to think about obtaining as many Google Play credits as you can. Earning Google Play gift cards and converting them into Google Play credits is a good way to accumulate a lot of Google Play credits.

Step 2: Link Your Bank Account to Google Pay

Well the fact that you have to link your Bank account to Google Play is a crucial step to transferring money from Google balance to bank account and you can do this by simply downloading the Google Pay App and then linking it once downloaded.

It is necessary you have at the back of your mind that linking your Bank account to Google Pay links it to all Google Products including Google Play.

In order to link your bank account to Google Play, you can follow the steps below;

  • Open Google Play
  • At the top right corner, you have to tap your profile picture and then Bank account
  • As next step, you have to Tap on Add Account
  • Select the bank of your choice from the list. Google Pay won't function if you can't locate your bank.

Step 3: Transfer Google Play Balance to Bank Account

Now that your bank account is already linked to your Google Play balance, you can transfer the funds by following the steps below;

  • Go to the Google Play mobile app
  • At the bottom, you are going to see a payment button, simply click on it
  • You will have to click on Cash out under the Google Play balance
  • As next step, you will have to type in the amount that you desire to transfer to your bank and then confirm the payment method.
  • And finally, click on "Transfer" to transfer the money to your bank account.

ALSO READ: How To Transfer Money From Square To Bank Account [Complete Guide]

How to Transfer Google Play Balance to Bank Account Using Third Party Apps

You can use third-party apps to complete the transfer if you are having trouble using the aforementioned method to transfer money from Google Play to your bank account.

The costs are the main drawback of using third-party apps.

While these apps typically only take 10% of the total transaction value, Google charges 30%. As a result, you will pay a total of 40% in transfer fees and receive only 60% of the total amount of Google Play credits in the form of cash in your bank, PayPal, or other account.

There are numerous apps that make the claim to act as a bridge for this transfer, but only a select few reliable ones can be relied upon.

Having said that, we will be utilizing two of these apps to complete the transfer. Both of them are offered on Google Play.

1. Using Rewards Converter App to Transfer Google Play Balance to Bank Account

Rewards Converter is a popularly known app that lets its users to transfer Google Play balance to bank account, PayPal, Google Pay, Paytm or UPI/VPA.

In order to make use of this app, all you have to do is to download and install the app on your device, signup and then buy their token with your Play Credit which will then be converted into real money and sent to you.

  • Download the Rewards Converter app from Google Playstore
  • Once you have downloaded the app, you can create an account using your Email or Google.
  • Enter the amount that you desire to convert from Play Credits
  • As next step, you will have to provide your bank account details and then confirm the order.

It should take within 7 days for your funds to reflect in your bank account.

2. Using Taski Opinion Rewards Converter to Transfer Google Play Balance to Bank Account

One of the few applications that will turn your Play Credits into cash and deposit it into your bank account, Google Pay, Amazon Pay, or Paytm is this one.

Downloading the app is a prerequisite for signing up for their service. You will be given the choice to make a purchase using your Google Play credits, and after you do so, you will receive 60% of the purchase price via the payment method of your choice within 7 working days.

In order to purchase a token in this app, you have to follow the steps below;

  • Open the Taski and signup.
  • the select amount that you want to convert.
  • Now, tap buy.
  • Enter your email password and tap verify.
  • After that, tap on the yes, always button.

Now, adhere to the instructions below to get your money back into your bank account. The pop-up menu now only offers one option. Click on the covert tokens to select them.

  • Click on the convert button.
  • From here, you can see the number of payment options.
  • Select one of them and enter the required details.
  • Click on the payout and verify your entered details again.
  • Click on confirm, and you can see a pop-up of successful payout.

Once you have completed this transaction, it will take you 10-15 days for your money to reflect in your bank account.

ALSO READ: How To Transfer Money From Square To Cash App [Complete Guide]

How Do I Withdraw Money from My Google Play Balance?

In order to withdraw money from your Google Play Balance, you have to open the app, scroll to the bottom and then click on Payment. Once you have clicked on Payment, move to Google Pay Balance, select Cash Out and then Enter the amount you want to transfer. Click on Confirm and then Transfer.

Final Thoughts On How to Transfer Google Play Balance to Bank Account

You can use the credit on your Google Play account to purchase apps, games, and other digital content.

You can top off your balance by using a promo code, a Google Play gift card, or a digital gift code.

If you can't use the direct process, transferring money from your Google Play balance to your bank account can be challenging. To transfer your Google Play balance to your bank account, you can use a few third-party apps, but they cost 40 percent more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Transfer Google Play Balance to Bank Account?

Yes you can though not directly as you will have to make use of a third party app or bank account as mediator.

Can I Turn Google Play Gift Card into Cash?

Yes but this is only possible if you make use of third party apps.

What Can I do With Google Play Balance?

Your Google Play Balance allows you to buy apps, games, movies and digital content on Google Play.

Can you transfer Google Play money to a debit card?

Yes, you can. You can transfer your Google Play balance to a bank account which will be made available to your debit card. From there, you'll be able to withdraw the funds from your bank account using your debit card.. Here's a complete guide to transfer Google Play balance to a bank account (debit card).

Can I withdraw my Google Play balance?

You can't withdraw any of the value of your Google Play Credits balance. Those are non-refundable and non-transferable.

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About the Author

Ketcha Brandon
I am Ketcha Brandon, An article writer, content creator, Video producer, Financial Consultant and a certified Google Publisher. I write content for Cashytransfer.com. Our website provide information on topics such as bank accounts, Money transfers,…

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